Why Is My Kitchen Faucet Making A Humming Noise? (Explained)

Every time you turn on the faucet, you expect it to work properly without making any noise or any other issues. But unfortunately, you end up with a humming noise in the kitchen faucet.

These are the common problems that can arise in a faucet. So let’s understand the reason why your kitchen faucet is making a humming noise.

The humming noise in your kitchen faucet can be caused by various reasons. The most common reasons are the shut-off valve is not fully open, a worn-out faucet washer, a faulty cartridge, a loose washer on a shut-off valve, or water pressure is too high.

To fix this first you need to check the shut-off valves under the sink. Sometimes shut-off valves are not completely open and start making a humming noise.

However, if you are not able to turn the shut-off valve in a fully open position that means the washer has been loosed inside the valve and it needs to be replaced.

Also, there could be other reasons that we had explained below.

Reasons Why Kitchen Faucet Making A Humming Noise

Shut-Off Valves Are Not Fully Open

The most common reason that causes the “faucet humming noise “is when the hot or cold water supply valves under the sink are not fully open.

In this case, the water that passes through the valve is narrowed and starts vibrating inside the valve. This vibration further passes to the faucet and it starts making a humming noise.

When high water pressure enters the valves, the washer starts moving backward and forward rapidly and causes a humming noise.

The solution is quite easy – first, turn on the faucet and let the faucet make a humming noise.

Then Go under the sink and check both the supply valves hot and cold to understand where the sound is coming from. Once you find the valve then simply turn the valve in a completely open position.

Because partially closed water valves will cause the humming noise issue. So make sure that hot and cold water valves are completely open.

Loose Washer On A Shut Off Valve

If you are not able to turn the shutoff valve in a fully open position, the reason is a loose washer. Due to repeated use and age, the rubber washer wears out and it does not work properly.

In this case, you have to remove the shutoff valve so that you can replace the washer.

The first thing you have to do is turn off both valves under the sink and then turn off the main water supply of the house.

Also, place the bucket under the shutoff valve to drain the remaining water inside the valve.

Now, you will see a nut on the base of the handle stem that holds the valve in place. Here you will need two wrenches to perform this job.

One will be required to hold the valve itself and the other one is required to loosen the nut. Once you loosen the nut, simply remove the shut-off valve. At the bottom of the valve stem, you will find a washer held in place.

You will notice that the condition of the washer will be partially disintegrated or maybe mostly disintegrated. In this situation, simply replace the washer with the new one.

Remember that, while replacing the washer, check the size and fitting of the washer. If replacing the washer doesn’t solve the problem, replace the shutoff valve.

You can buy the washer or shut-off valve from a home depot store or any hardware store near you or maybe the manufacturer can replace the parts for free. So ask your manufacturer, do they provide free replacement.

Worn Out or Loose Faucet Washers

The other reason could be a worn-out or loose washer in the faucet.

Every time you use your faucet, the washer is forced against the valve seat and it produces constant friction due to which it wears out or gets loose.

So when water passes through the faucet, the loose washer starts vibrating. As a result, the faucet starts producing a humming noise.

To fix it follow these steps: turn off the water supply valve (both hot and cold) under the kitchen sink. Remove the faucet handle, you will find a screw on the side or top of the faucet handle.

Once the screw is removed, take out the faucet handle. Now remove the stem with the help of pliers.

The stem is a small circular piece that sits above the washer’s valve. If the stem is stuck inside there, spray WD 40, wait for 5 minutes, and try again.

Sometimes pliers are not required, you only need to twist the stem and pull it out. Keep the stem in a safe place because you will need it later when installing a new washer.

After removing the stem, you get access to the washer. Now replace the washer with the new one.

Faulty Cartridge

Nowadays new faucets use cartridges instead of stems and washers. Faucets that are made today are washerless and therefore no washer means no wobbling or vibration noise will occur inside the faucet.

But the faucet can still make a humming noise due to the build-up of debris and sediment on the cartridge. These build-ups can block and obstruct the water flow, which causes vibration in the faucet and pipes.

The solution is very simple, replace the cartridge with the new one.

To replace the cartridge, you need to remove the faucet handle and retaining nut. Once the handle is removed, take out the old cartridge and install the new one.

Water Pressure Is Too High

If the water pressure is too high in your house, it can create vibration in the pipes. This vibration can lead to a humming noise in the faucet. So first you need to check the water pressure of your house.

You can measure the water pressure with the help of a water pressure gauge. You can buy a pressure gauge from home depot or any hardware store near you. The pressure gauge will cost you around $10.

Connect the pressure gauge to any male threaded faucet such as hose bib, washing machine shut-off valve, hot water heater drain valve, or laundry tub, and turn on the water.

Remember that when you are measuring the pressure, no water is being used inside or outside the house.

To get accurate pressure, you need to turn off washing machines, dishwashers, sprinklers, refrigerators with ice makers, or anything that uses water.

Because if water is being used anywhere else in the house, it may give a false reading or low reading.

The normal pressure for a plumbing system is between 40 and 60 PSI but in most areas, it is mentioned that water pressure should not be more than 80 PSI.

If your water pressure is above 80 PSI, you need to lower the pressure. To lower the pressure, you will need a water pressure regulator (also known as a pressure regulating valve).

This pressure regulating valve is located right after the pipe where the water meter enters the house. If you already have one installed, try adjusting it and see if the problem still exists.

Below we had mentioned how to adjust the water pressure on the pressure regulating valve.


How to adjust the water pressure on the pressure regulating valve?

Step 1: Locate The Valve

To locate the valve, first of all, you need to find the supply line that enters the house. Once you find the supply line, you will find the water meter.

And the pressure regulating valve is located right after the pipe where the water meter has been installed. It is bell-shaped in the middle and has a screw and locknut at the tip of the bell, basically made of brass.

Step 2: Adjust The Water Pressure

The pressure valve comes with a screw or bolt and a locking nut system. First, you need to loosen the locknut with a wrench and then you can adjust the screw.

The screw is your adjuster and it can move only by loosening the locknut. If you tighten the screw the water pressure will be increased and if you loosen the screw the water pressure will be decreased.

Step 3: Turn The Screw Slowly

Don’t be in hurry. You need to turn the screw little by little, in slow increments. Because a little bit can be too much.  Remember that, tightening it too much can damage your plumbing system, so be careful.

Step 4: Recheck The Pressure

After every turn, check the water pressure on a pressure gauge. The pressure should be between 40 and 60 PSI.

Step 5: Tighten The Lock Nut

Once you have adjusted the pressure where you want it, tighten the locknut with a wrench to make sure the adjustment screw does not move.