About Us

Hi Everyone,

I am Sam. Welcome to my website: Plumber Talks.

I started this website to help folks to find the perfect faucet and sink for their kitchen and Bathroom.

Do you get a headache each time you hear a dripping faucet or when a pipe in your kitchen gets clogged? You already know you would have to call a professional plumber, which brings additional costs as well.

Believe me when I say that I know A LOT about plumbing pipes, faucets, sinks, drains, and fixtures. In more than 12 years of my plumbing experience, I faced unbelievable challenges and solved them all. However, what you don’t know is that you might not even need a plumber each time a plumbing issue breaks out. Sometimes all you need is a basic tool and a little knowledge.

I am here to help you save time and money by giving you off my favorite tips and tricks on how to fix a broken pipe, clogged drain, leaking faucet, and many more.